Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Tiger by William Blake.Poem analysis.

The Tiger by William Blake.Poem analysis. Are things always what they seem? Is our first impression always right? In "The Tiger" William Blake uses tone, theme, and rhyme to make the point that there are two sides to everything.If you came face-to-face with a tiger you would probably be afraid. But if you put your fear aside and took a closer look you would probably notice how beautiful the tiger is. Blake uses particular words to make the tone of fear and awe in this poem. Almost like you were looking at the tiger yourself. He uses the word "dare" four times. I think this is because dare means "to have the courage needed to do something", suggesting overcoming fear with courage. He describes the tiger as having "fearful symmetry." Symmetry means "harmony or beauty of form that results from balanced proportions." Blake is then describing the tiger as fearful and beautiful.BLAKE LAZARUSWhen he says "What dread grasp dare its deadly terror clasp?" he inspires fear by using the words "dare", "deadly", "terror", and "dread." Tog ether all these thinks make the poem come to life as you read it, inspiring fear and awe.The poem seems to pull you into its grasp as your read. This is because of the rhyme in this poem. It is an ABAB pattern. In lines 1 and 2 "bright" and "night" rhyme. Then in lines 5 and 6 "skies" and "eyes" rhyme. This pattern also made me think of the pit-pat of the paws of a tiger walking. Each line follows neatly into the following line."What immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?" Blake states the theme here. He is asking what godly hand made the tiger's beautiful symmetry. I think that he says, "could" to imply work or a...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definitions and Examples of Old English

Definitions and Examples of Old English Old English was the  language spoken in England from roughly 500 to 1100. Old English (OE) is one of the Germanic languages derived from a prehistoric Common Germanic, which was originally spoken in southern Scandinavia and the northernmost parts of Germany.  Old English is also known as Anglo-Saxon  and is derived from  the names of two of the Germanic tribes that invaded England during the fifth century. The most famous work of Old English literature is the epic poem Beowulf. Example  of Old English The Lords Prayer in Old EnglishFà ¦der ureà °u à °e eart on heofenumsi à °in nama gehalgodto-becume à °in ricegeweorà ¾e à °in willa on eorà °an swa swa on heofenum.Urne ge dà ¦ghwamlican hlaf syle us to-deagand forgyf us ure gyltasswa swa we forgifaà ¾ urum gyltendumane ne gelà ¦de à °u us on costnungeac alys us of yfle.(The Lords Prayer [Our Father] in Old English) On Old English Vocabulary The extent to which the Anglo-Saxons overwhelmed the native Britons is illustrated in their vocabulary...Old English (the name scholars give to the English of the Anglo-Saxons) contains barely a dozen Celtic words...It is impossible...to write a modern English sentence without using a feast of Anglo-Saxon words. Computer analysis of the language has shown that the 100 most common words in English are all of Anglo-Saxon origin. The basic building blocks of an English sentencethe, is, you and so onare Anglo-Saxon. Some Old English words like mann, hus and drincan hardly need translation. (Robert McCrum, William Cram, and Robert MacNeill, The Story of English. Viking, 1986)It has been estimated that only about 3 percent of Old English vocabulary is taken from non-native sources and it is  clear that the  strong preference in Old English was to  use its native resources in order to create new vocabulary. In this respect, therefore, and as elsewhere, Old English is typically Germani c.  (Richard M. Hogg and Rhona Alcorn,  An Introduction to Old English, 2nd ed. Edinburgh University Press, 2012) Although contact with other languages has radically altered the nature of its vocabulary, English today remains a Germanic language at its core. The   words that describe family relationships- father, mother, brother, son- are of Old English descent (compare Modern German Vater, Mutter, Bruder, Sohn), as are the terms for body parts, such as foot, finger, shoulder (German  Fuß, Finger, Schulter), and numerals, one, two, three, four, five (German eins,  zwei, drei, vier, fà ¼nf) as well as its grammatical words, such as and, for, I (German  und, fà ¼r, Ich).  (Simon Horobin,  How English Became English. Oxford University Press, 2016)   ​On Old English and Old Norse Grammar Languages which make extensive use of prepositions and auxiliary verbs and depend upon word order to show other relationships are known as analytic languages. Modern English is an analytic, Old English a synthetic language. In its grammar, Old English resembles modern German. Theoretically, the noun and adjective are inflected for four cases in the singular and four in the plural, although the forms are not always distinctive, and in addition the adjective has separate forms for each of the three genders. The inflection of the verb is less elaborate than that of the Latin verb, but there are distinctive endings for the different persons, numbers, tenses, and moods. (A. C. Baugh, A History of the English Language, 1978)Even before the arrival of the Normans [in 1066],  Old English was  changing. In the Danelaw, the Old Norse of the Viking settlers was combining with the Old English of the Anglo-Saxons in new and interesting ways. In the poem The Battle of Maldon,...grammatical con fusion in the speech of one of the Viking characters has been interpreted by some commentators as an attempt to represent an Old Norse speaker struggling with Old English.  The languages were closely related, and both relied very much on the endings of wordswhat we call inflexionsto signal grammatical information. Often these grammatical inflexions were the main thing that distinguished otherwise similar words in Old English and Old Norse. For example, the word worm or serpent used as the object of a sentence would have been orminn in Old Norse, and simply wyrm in Old English. The result was that as the two communities strove to communicate with each other, the inflexions became blurred and eventually disappeared. The grammatical information that they signaled had to be expressed using different resources, and so the nature of the English language began to change. New reliance was put on the order of words and on the meanings of little grammatical words like to, with, in, over, an d around.  (Carole Hough and John Corbett,  Beginning Old English, 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013​ On Old English and the Alphabet The success of English was all the more surprising in that it was not really a written language, not at first. The Anglo-Saxons used a runic alphabet, the kind of writing J.R.R. Tolkien recreated for The Lord of the Rings, and one more suitable for stone inscriptions than shopping lists. It took the arrival of Christianity to spread literacy and to produce the letters of an alphabet which, with a very few differences, is still in use today. (Philip Gooden, The Story of English. Quercus, 2009) Differences Between Old English and Modern English There is no point...in playing down the differences between Old and Modern English, for they are obvious at a glance. The rules for spelling Old English were different from the rules for spelling Modern English, and that accounts for some of the difference. But there are more substantial changes as well. The three vowels that appeared in the inflectional endings of Old English words were reduced to one in Middle English, and then most inflectional endings disappeared entirely. Most case distinctions were lost; so were most of the endings added to verbs, even while the verb system became more complex, adding such features as a future tense, a perfect and a pluperfect. While the number of endings was reduced, the order of elements within clauses and sentences became more fixed, so that (for example) it came to sound archaic and awkward to place an object before the verb, as Old English had frequently done. (Peter S. Baker, Introduction to Old English. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003 Celtic Influence on English In linguistic terms, obvious Celtic influence on English was minimal, except for place-and river-names...Latin influence was much more important, particularly for vocabulary...However, recent work has revived the suggestion that Celtic may have had considerable effect on low-status, spoken varieties of Old English, effects which only became evident in the morphology and syntax of written English after the Old English period...Advocates of this still controversial approach variously provide some striking evidence of coincidence of forms between Celtic languages and English, a historical framework for contact, parallels from modern creole studies, andsometimesthe suggestion that Celtic influence has been systematically downplayed because of a lingering Victorian concept of condescending English nationalism. (David Denison and Richard Hogg, Overview. A History of the English Language, ed. by Hogg and Denison. Cambridge University Press, 2008) History of the English Language   English LanguageKenningKey Events in the History of the English LanguageLanguage ContactMiddle EnglishModern EnglishMutationSpoken EnglishWritten English

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture Essay

Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture - Essay Example The essay "Introduction to Modern Art and Visual Culture" analyzes modern art and visual culture. There was need for creation of accurate pictures of ancient times. Contemporary human conditions took center stage focus with an accompaniment of an empirical mindset on the rise of conflicting ideas regarding the traditional role and hierarchies in society and nature. The nineteenth century art paved way for modern perspectives into the field of visual art. The French art embeds the redress of long-term imbalance in artistic developments. There were trials by artists to maintain reality from different perspectives. Many are the occasions when misinterpretations took a toll on artworks whenever the public or critics never augured well with any work. The Gross was largely considered as public propaganda making it hard to see through the artists’ eye. The French military was plague stricken and affected by rumors, body politics, and colonial aggression and poisoning. Critics found t he painting to be more of a focus on masculinity. According to Grigsby, there was need for new courage in facing the military regalia. The argument maintains that the Gros covered up irrationality in the French army and citizens. The uniformed officer represents positive response to domestic disintegration and civil war and not by any chance an endorsed propaganda on the state. Drawings made a leeway into the era of visual arts. Artists like Millet took this with passion portraying what the world was in the ancient times. In this artistic practice, Millet took drawing as a platform step to completion of his paintings. There is rural imagery n the painting showing the plight of farmers. The painting brings out the controversy of poverty and countryside depopulation with a need for social change. The painting makes a creation of rural vocabulary in epic naturalization. The drawing gives a picture of what the painter must have been surrounded with at the time of his works. The peasants of the time must have hung on existence. The plougher having hunched shoulders faces constrain from the landscape with the plougher firmly set on the ground. This painting seems to remind the viewer of the earthbound nature of humans in an endlessness of labor focusing on harvesting. Criticisms that face the 19th century arts do not leave Manet’s Olympia. There have been hoards of negative criticism from both Parisian public and critics.(Kahn, 67) The painting of Olympia was from the point of View of Manet. The time s must have influenced his point of view and produced the results that face so much criticism of his artistic display. It only seemingly became an oversight through the nudity of the painted woman, which the 1865 generation was not ready to receive. The controversy came about with Olympia perceived as a portrayal of prostitution by the Parisian public. It was a fear of the changes that could face the society and the arousal of a political air on the magnitude of permissiveness of changes in rules. Creativity at the time faced so much influence from public opinion and critics. The society was tied to old traditions and beliefs and was not so receptive to art works displaying the realities of the times in which they were living. The nudity of Olympia though intended to raise the presentation of Venus to a higher-level faced criticism at the blunt exposure, which it gave to female nudity.the nudity of Olympia, scandalized the wretch in the society. It brought out the reality of prostit ution that was present in the Parisian society

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Measurement and Instrumentation(Hall Effect) Assignment

Measurement and Instrumentation(Hall Effect) - Assignment Example The separation of charge establishes an electric field that opposes further migration of charge and a steady electrical potential will be eventually established as long as the charge is flowing. The sensor experiment has a hall sensor rig that has been attached on the flat surface of the board. The board is calibrated with measurements showing how far the slider is from the sensor rig. The slider has a magnet attached to it. From the experiment, the DC voltage increases as the slider moves further away from the sensor rig and reduces when the slider is closest to the sensor rig. The slider has a magnet attached to it, while the sensor rig has current moving within it in one direction. When the slider is near the sensor rig, a strong magnetic field that is not parallel to the direction of the moving charges in the rig is formed. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of the moving charges in the rig. This strong magnetic field causes the charges to accumulate on one side of the sensor rig. This leaves equal and opposite charges exposed on the opposite side which has few mobile charges. This results in asymmetric distribution of charge density across the hall element that is perpendicular to the line of sight path and the magnetic field. This separation of charges establishes an electric field that opposes further migration of charge (Ramsden, 2006). The strength of the magnetic field determines the concentration of charges on one side of the rig. When the slider which has a magnet is near the sensor rig, there are more magnetic fields felt on the sensor rig than when the slider which has a magnet is further away. Therefore, there is only a small charge that passes through when the magnet is closest to the rig hence the small voltage reading by the digital multimetre and a lot of charge is able to pass through when slider with magnet is further away from the sensor rig hence the high voltage reading by the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Kellin Quinn Essay Example for Free

Kellin Quinn Essay I. Introduction â€Å" I can’t promise that things won’t be broken, but I swear that I will never leave.† -Kellin Quinn. Isn’t that what everyone really wants- what everyone really needs? Not always is a solution to a problem needed. Sometimes we just need someone to help us through our tough times and to help us learn from mistakes that have been made. Kellin Quinn understands this. Not only does he relate to the need to help friends, but Kellin relates to almost all the struggles most teens and, well, pretty much all ages witness. It shows in his music. You see, Kellin Quinn is the singer and pianist of the band Sleeping With Sirens. Their music is about coming from a broken family and how much it hurts because you feel responsible. Difficulties ranging from self-harm to bullying to love are heard in the meaningful lyrics of their songs. Not only do Kellin and the band write about that, but also they have songs that are inspirational, joyful, and that make you want to smile and appreciate the good in life. II. Caring Kellin is more than just a musical genius; he is one who cares about people as individuals. For example, Marie Fowler was a nineteen year old cancer patient that was diagnosed with only 72 hours to live. Kellin Quinn, her idol, was notified on Twitter and he Skyped her. He told her to be strong and to savor and appreciate the life she has enjoyed. On top of that, Kellin has dedicated his life to music and to make his fans feel better and blissful. He has definitely made my life easier and made me cope well with tragedies. I’m so thankful that I have Sleeping With Sirens in my life. III. Kellin’s Struggles Kellin Quinn’s father left him and his mother when he was young and they had to work hard to pay the bills and to take care of themselves. Kellin was diagnosed with depression and mental disorders because of his difficulties. With a great deal of effort and persistence, he overcame these challenges and is now helping others do the same. Also, Kellin has â€Å"haters† who call him rude and selfish when actually he is the exact opposite. Other negative comments made about him are that he is â€Å"too punk† or that he â€Å"sounds like a girl.† He mostly just ignores the disapproval. Overall, Kellin is a talented and inspirational 26 year old. IV. Impact Kellin Quinn and the band have made my life so much better. I, like many others, have struggled with bullying and many other difficulties. Meaningful music makes these things easier to cope with and Sleeping With Sirens does an amazing job at portraying a message in their lyrics that their fans can relate to. The band has actually saved countless lives. Some teenagers have depression or are struggling in life and feel the need to commit suicide to end his or her pain. In Sleeping With Sirens’ songs, one may notice how the lyrics are meant to make the listener happy and some songs are even specifically written to help self-harmers. â€Å"One day youll open your eyes, take a look inside. I just saved your life. Just take a look inside. I hope you know what its like for you to be alright. I am for you.† –In Case of Emergency, Dial 411, Sleeping With Sirens. V. Conclusion Overall, Kellin Quinn is an amazing artist who writes and sings about relatable tragedies and moments in his and others’ lives. He is an inspiration to many teenagers, including myself. I will never forget the impact that Kellin as a person and Sleeping With Sirens have had on my life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Romeo And Juliet 9 :: essays research papers

OVERVIEW ON ROMEO, JULIET, NURSE, MOTHER AND FATHER (JULIET’S) ROMEO: In the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, we see many aspects of Romeo’s personality and character. There is a link between all of his personalities; they are all severely extreme personalities e.g.:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the start of the play, we see that he is a ‘wet drip’ he is depressed and miserable because of his infatuated love for Rosaline but it is unrequited love from Rosaline. This mood of his goes to the extreme- he does not go out during daytime only at night, he weeps, and he locks himself out from all light and talks of his misfortune.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this, he is happy and joking around in the square, this creates a huge affect in change of nature in his personality. Romeo was the one who started off the joking with “Here’s goodly gear A sail, a sail'; This is not usually like Romeo, as all the joking and micky taking is left to Mercutio. You might expect on Romeo to be prying on everyone who walks past because of the messenger, but instead he is joking – this might be because he doesn’t want anyone else to know about the marriage OR that he is to excited. Shortly after this, he changes back to serious when he is talking to Nurse about the marriage.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He still is joyful towards the marriage scene and at the marriage scene he takes the extreme again - he acts like he has not seen Juliet for years, they can’t wait to get there hands on each other – kissing, Friar Laurence had to separate them. Once they are married, he visits Tybalt and Mercutio in the square; he is misunderstood by Tybalt when he says how he loves him. Mercutio reacts with laughing thinking that it is a wind-up and Tybalt is annoyed and wishes to fight, Romeo refuses and Mercutio steps in and fights – this leads to his death.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romeo becomes violent and aggressive in this scene; he wants Tybalt killed no matter the cost. Tybalt was shocked when he saw the blood on his sword which suggests that he did not mean to do it, and it was really in a way Romeo’s fault for coming in the way but he doesn’t realise this. When he and Tybalt fight he kills him (we cannot be sure if it was by mistake when Tybalt fell on the sword because Shakespeare does not say).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Josef Ackermann Essay

Using Darling and Leffel’s (2010) framework, this essay will evaluate on how Josef Ackermann demonstrated his leadership style as a Swiss banker, the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Deutsche Bank and Chairman of Zurich Insurance. As defined by Peter Northouse (2001), leadership is a process, in which an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal. And to achieve that goal, a visionary leader should put forth much effort to critically apply his leadership skills and knowledge. In general, leadership is more than management. To be successful, a leader has to be strategic, show motivation and innovation, and should be flexible and focused on systems and structures. (Lussier & Achua, 2010). The basic interactive dimensions of assertiveness and responsiveness form two axes of the Darling and Leffel leadership styles paradigm, the four primary quadrants represent the four styles: Analyser, Connector, Director and Creator. It should also be mentioned that different situations require accurate application of different leadership styles. According to Lussier and Achua (2010) there are four key leadership theories: Autocratic, with job-centred (task-initiating structure) behaviour that focuses on the leader who is taking control in order to get the job done quickly (Professional Organizations, n.d.); Laissez-Faire, a style that depicts an inert leader who is averse to stimulating subordinates or giving focus (Deluga, 1990); Participative (democratic),a style in which leaders empower their employees in the decision-making process by meeting with them periodically and listening and trusting them (UCF, n.d.); and Transactional, one that asserts that people will follow leaders who are inspirational as the leader develops a vision, sells the vision and leads the way (Taylor, 2009). Of the four main leadership styles outlined by Darling and Leffel (2010), Josef Ackermann, reputed as the most powerful banker in Europe, could be regarded as Analyser and Director. The author describes the Analyser leadership style as having a low level of assertiveness and responsiveness. Analysers are self-controlled, logical, objective, well-organized and generally leaders who prefer analysis over emotion. Also, the Analyser can be inflexible and formal, prefer clarity and order and tend to resist compromise in problem situations. Furthermore, Analyser-type leaders often find their career tracks in the finance field, very much like Ackermann (Darling & Leffel, 2010). Josef Ackermann charted his own course throughout his life, described as a man of integrity that has acquired huge influence over E.U. finances. As an objective chairman of Deutsche bank, 134-year-old Deutsche Bank became the world’s seventh-largest bank in terms of revenue in 2003. Deutsche bank was ranked 12 th in mergers and acquisitions and 21st in terms of market capitalization (Guyon, 2004). As an Analyser, a lot of people see him as a systematic, formal, ambitious and deliberate lead-by-example leader. In addition to having an Analyser style, Ackermann, could also be described as having a Director-leadership style that shows low level of emotional responsiveness (Darling & Leffel, 2010). Such leaders tend to be results-oriented, objective, independent and pragmatic. The authors state that Directors often find their way into positions of authority and central decision-making in organisations. They are firm and forceful leaders, confident, competitive, decisive and generally willing to take risk. In Ackermann’s effort to turn Deutsche Bank from a German lender into a global competitor, he eliminated results-oriented 14,470 jobs and cut costs by one-third by closing retail branches and outsourcing management of the bank’s computer systems and real estate (Schlager, 2005). Ackermann showed the ability to take high risk, but was especially emotionless for his o wn benefit. On the other hand, he personifies therefore for a lot of people the arrogance and greediness of the banking sector. One of his biggest goals was turning Deutsche Bank into one of the world’s top three advisers on mergers and acquisitions and returning its status to the top ten in market value (Guyon , 2004). As a Director-level leader, Josef Ackermann has been well regarded and  recognised by many as a successful and effective manager and leader, shifting the style of management from a conventional mode to one that focused on the needs of shareholders and on international expansion (Mitchell, 2010). According to Lussier and Achua (2010), leaders such as Ackermann are able to take swift and decisive action, even in the most difficult situations, and take calculated risks while persevering in the face of failure. Strong communication skills, self-confidence, the ability to manage others and willingness to embrace change also characterize a successful leader. Ackermann has also been a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty and also served on other company boards, including Bayer AG, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Linde, Mannesman, and Siemens AG. Ackermann changed the distribution of power within Deutsche Bank, resulting in criticism from traditionalists and praise from those who shared his global focus, allowing him to become the most powerful man in Germany’s financial industry (Loades-Carter, 2005). Ackermann successful steered his bank through the 2008 global financial crisis. Quoted in his speech before the Atlantic Council, ‘Germany will ultimately take whatever steps [are] necessary to keep the euro zone intact’ (Robb, 2012). It is unusual to find all four styles in one leader. However, it is important for leaders to be aware of their weaknesses. The Director can become dominating and insensitive while weaknesses of the Analyser are perfectionism and inflexibility. Leadership style has a major impact on the success of an organisation. Without Josef Ackermann ´s determination, focus and vision as a Director and Analyser, Deutsche Bank, may not have become one of the world ´s leading financial services with global focus. Being a symbol of German financial might, he is at the centre of more concentric circles of power than any other banker on the Continent. He has successfully led Deutsche for a decade during the global financial crisis and euro zone debt turmoil. From this seat at the nexus of money and politics, Ackermann, for better or worse, is helping to shape Europe’s economic and financial future. He seems such a fixture that it is hard to imagine Germany without him (Ewing & Alderman, 2011 ). References: Darling, J. & Leffel, A. (2010). Developing the leadership team in an Entrepreneurial Venture: A Case of Focusing on the Importance of Styles: Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 23(3), 355-371. Deluga, R. (1990). The Effects of Transformational, Transactional, and Laissez Faire Leadership Characteristics on Subordinate Influencing Behavior. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 11(2), 191-203. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Ewing, J. & Alderman, L. (2011). Deutsche Bank’s Chief Casts Long Shadow in Europe. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/12/business/12bank.html?pagewanted=all Guyon J., 2004, The trials of Josef Ackermann, Fortune Europe, 149( 2), 111-114. Loades-Carter, J. (2005). FT.com site: Profile: Josef Ackermann. FT.Com,1. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/docview/228871346?accountid=14543. Lussier, R., & Achua, C. (2004). Leadership Theory, Application, Skill Development. Minnesota: Southwestern. Mitchell, J. (2010). The last hurrah for deutsche bank CEO Josef Ackermann. Institutional Investor, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/docview/221507850?accountid=14543. Northouse, Peter G. (2001). Leadership Theory and Practice, second edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Professional Organizations: Leadership. List and explain the styles of leadership used by effective leaders. D.O. CAPS. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.temple.edu/cte/research/DOCAPS/DOCAPS_09.pdf. Robb, G. (2012). MarketWatch, â€Å"German[y] will rescue euro zone: Ackermann† Schlager N. (ed.). International Directory of Business Biographies, vol.1- A-E (2005) (466s). Taylor, R. (2009). Leadership theories and the development of nurses in primary healthcare. Primary Health Care, 19(9), 40-46. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. University of Central Florida, (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Leadership Styles. Retrieved from mhtml:file://E:UCFAdvantages and Disadvantages of the Leadership Styles.mht.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Tame a Wild Tongue/Mother Tongue Essay

What’s makes someone an American? Am I more American because my skin is white and I speak perfect English? Or am I more American because my family immigrated here 100 years earlier than most? Our country is a melting pot of different races, backgrounds and beliefs. Two women, who are the children of immigrants, share their stories of growing up in America. The first is Gloria Anzaldua, a Chicana who grew up in South Texas. The first chapter of her book, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza is titled â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue†. She describes life as a young woman who is too Spanish for Americans and too American for Spanish. The second is Amy Tan, a daughter of immigrants who fled China in the 1940s. In her essay â€Å"Mother Tongue† she recalls growing up with a Mother who could not speak perfect English. While these women are from two different backgrounds, their experiences with languages are the same. Both women have expressed the idea that language used with family, the educational system and society shape us as individuals. When a person is at home, surrounded by those who are nearest and dearest to them, they let their guard down. The languages we speak around our families are often different from the ones we use in the professional world. Tan states this opinion in her essay; she remembers a time when she was conscious of the English she was using around her mother. She was walking down the street with her mother and using the English that she did not use around her mother. She also states that this is the same type of English she uses with her husband. She writes that this type of language â€Å"has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with.† (Tan, page 143) Anzaldua has a similar opinion when it comes to the language of our family; she writes â€Å"My â€Å"home† tongues are the languages I speak with my sister and brothers, with my friends.†(Anzaldua, page 134) Her type of language is a considered a subcategory of Spanish, called Chicano Spanish. Anzaldua also explains that in her culture she had to learn different dialects of Spanish, according to region that person was from. These two women played chameleon with their languages, blending in perfectly with their surroundings, wearing a mask to the world until they were home. At home, they were safe to use the language they grew up using without fear of judgment. â€Å"To get a good job, you need to speak English well. What’s the use of all your education if you speak English with an accent?† (Anzaldua, page 132) Anzaldua grew up with the idea that her imperfect English would limit her opportunities, even with an education. When she became a high school teacher, she was reprimanded for giving her students literature by Chicanos. Tan’s educational experiences were somewhat different than Anzaldua. Her limitations were set by test scores in English and Math. Tan writes that her English scores â€Å"were not good enough to override the opinion that my true abilities lay in math and science, because in those areas I achieved A’s and scored in the ninetieth percentile or higher.† (Tan, page 145) While both women felt limited in their educational world, they both found a love for writing. They both became a voice for their people. One thing that shapes a person’s perspective of themselves is how their society views them. Tan, at a young age, would often have to speak for her mother. Her mother’s English was view as â€Å"broken† or â€Å"limited† by society. This had a profound effect on how Tan viewed her mother’s English; she writes â€Å"because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect.† (Tan, page 144) Anzaldua’s Chicano Spanish was viewed as â€Å"poor Spanish† by society. â€Å"If a person, Chicana or Latina, has a low estimation of my native tongue, she also has a low estimation of me.† (Anzaldua, page 136) Society, the community in which these women lived, has looked down on the English that they speak. Both women feel that their language is â€Å"poor†, â€Å"broken†, or â€Å"limited† by society’s standards. Gloria Anzaldua and Amy Tan were raised in two different cultures, with two different types of English. They grew up in families that spoke with accents and different dialects. Both women navigated their way through the educational system, which was not designed with them in mind. They were also viewed by their communities as being limited because their home language was not the standard. These two women also fought the system that wished to limit their voices. They became writers, they wrote their stories of how their language, for better or worse shaped who they were.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Beauty and the Beast Anorexia essays

Beauty and the Beast Anorexia essays It seemed to me that the older I got, the more obsessed people seemed about their bodies. Whether it was the diet soda boom of the 80's, or the fact everyone has always been unhappy with his or her natural bodies; it just took me a while to comprehend. It always seemed like there were diets here, diets there; these drugs can do this, or these herbs can do that... "Stop the insanity!" This paper is going to discuss anorexia nervosa, an alarming disease that is usually developed during puberty of both boys and girls. Like bulimia, in which the subject binges and then disposes of ingested food by purging or use of laxatives, those suffering anorexia nervosa have an obsession with the amount of fat on her body (although one of every ten suffering this disease are male, I will use the female pronoun since they are the majority). This results in the loss of appetite completely and dangerous weight loss. More than thirty years ago one of this century's major sex symbols sang, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President," on television. With her size fourteen to sixteen figure, it is doubtful that society's standards would approve Marilyn Monroe today. Back in those days men and women alike ate what tasted good or what the body needed and simply bought clothes that would hide any unwanted weight gain. Today the story is different. Psychologists that study the influence of television on children say that television is the most influential medium in our "visually orientated" society (Velette, 1988, p.3). With the influence of television and celebrity role models, children don't care that they see a variety of sizes outside of their home, what they care about are the majority of people shown on the television set, perfect. Teenagers have typically watched 15,000 hours of television in their lifetime (Valette, 1988, p.4), absorbing the opinions on the shows or the commercials burning into their retinas. The message transmitted: "To be successful, beautif...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Installing Gems from Git Repositories

Installing Gems from Git Repositories Many gems are hosted on git repositories, such as the public repositories on Github. However, to get the latest version, quite often there are no gems built for you to install with ease. Installing from git is quite easy though. First, you have to understand what git is. Git is what the developers of the library use to track the source code and to collaborate. Git is not a release mechanism. Its important to note that the version of the software you get from git may or may not be stable. Its not a release version and could contain bugs that will be fixed before the next official release. The first thing you have to do in order to install gems from git is install git. This page of The Git Book explains how to do this. Its rather straightforward on all platforms and once its installed, you have everything you need. Installing a gem from a Git repository is going to be a 4 step process. Clone the Git repository.Change to the new directory.Build the gem.Install the gem. Clone the Git Repository In Git lingo, to clone a git repository is to make a copy of it. Were going to be making a copy of the rspec repository from github. This copy will be a full copy, the same the developer will have on their computers. You can even make changes (though you wont be able to commit these changes back into the repository). The only thing you need to clone a git repository is the clone URL. This is provided on the github page for RSpec. The clone URL for RSpec is git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git. Now simply use the git clone command provided with the clone URL. $ git clone git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git This will clone the RSpec repository into a directory called rspec. This directory should always be the same as the final part of the clone URL (minus the .git part). Change to The New Directory This step, too, is very straightforward. Simply change to the new directory created by Git. $ cd rspec Build the Gem This step is a bit more tricky. Gems are built using Rake, using the task called gem. $ rake gem It may not be that simple though. When you install a gem using the gem command, silently in the background it does something rather important: dependency checking. When you issue the rake command, it may come back with an error message saying it needs another gem installed first, or that you need to upgrade a gem already installed. Install or upgrade this gem using either the gem command or by installing from git. You may have to do this several times depending on how many dependencies the gem has. Install the Gem When the build process is completed, you will have a new gem in the pkg directory. Simply give the relative path to this .gem file to the gem install command. Youll need administrator privileges to do this on Linux or OSX. $ gem install pkg/gemname-1.23.gem The gem is now installed and can be used just as any other gem.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Concept of Representation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Concept of Representation - Essay Example This paper seeks to explore the concept of representation from a multifaceted approach. On election, the elected member’s behavior in the house is determined by various factors. The concept of representation is based on the fact that the member of the House wants to be re-elected. Therefore, the member’s vote on a bill is based on the interest of their constituents. In contrast, organizational concept the members of the constituents are unaware of their leader’s vote. Therefore, the vote of their political leaders is not influenced by the need to please them. The attitudinal concept is based on the assumption that there are many conflicting pressures on the member of Congress such that these pressures cancel each other out. This means that the member votes on based on their own will and beliefs. According to Melancton Smith, the members of Congress should resemble those they represent in the House. The member ought to posses the same characteristics of the people they resemble. These members ought to be a reflection of the people they represent so as to understand as well as comprehend the needs and desires of their people. Smith argues that, for one to understand and sympathize with all the distress of the people, they must have knowledge about the circumstances surrounding the people. According to Smith, this knowledge cannot be attained through education. The member has to be in the same circumstances as the people they represent. Because of this, Smith believes that those in the middling class are more competent to represent the people than those in the superior class. This is because persons in the middling class not only comprehend the commercial and political situation of the country but also have knowledge of the circumstance of the people (Smith, 1788). According to Smith, for the government to impose taxes on the people they not only require to understand the financial system but also knowledge on the ability and the circumstances of the people. This means that the government has to analyze how the tax burden will bear upon the different class of people. This means the members of Congress should have knowledge about the people they represent in terms of class and the circumstances surrounding each class (Smith, 1788). According to Smith, to determine whether the number of members of Congress proposed by a constitution is sufficient, it is necessary to scrutinize the qualifications which the members ought to posses so as to address the needs of the people. Smith argues that the number of representatives should be large enough to admit members from both the middling and superior class. In every society, there are classes based on wealth, education, talent and birth. In societies where the government so constituted, the House will be composed of members from the superior class. This is because men of the superior class are likely to be elected by the members of the society. Smith also believes that, men of the superior class are likely to succeed during elections because of their influence. According to Smith, the men in the superior class easily form associations to address their interest. On the other hand, the poor and those in the middling class form associations with difficulties. The voters of the poor and middle class will be divided with a majority in favor of those in the superior class. In this case, the government will be composed